Deep Plane Extended Facelift

Deep plane extended facelift surgery can turn back the clock by decades, achieving a significantly rejuvenated appearance by addressing. Deeper tissues and avoiding the overly-taut appearance sometimes associat with traditional facelifts. A deep plane extend  offers substantial facial rejuvenation and natural-looking results, especially. When perform by the experience and triple board-certified surgeon, Dr. Kanika Singla. 

Best Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon in Meerut

What is Deep Plane Extended Facelift ?

In contrast to a traditional facelift in which the skin  pulled tight over the face’s aging underlying structure. A plane extended facelift adjusts the deeper tissues in the face for more comprehensive and natural-looking results. ( Our Services )

While traditional and SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) facelifts place increased tension on the facial skin and muscles. Deep plane extended facelift fully releases, and passively repositions. The underlying tissues of the face to restore their youthful positions without imposing additional strain on the skin or muscles. This approach allows for powerful results without the overly stretched, “done” appearance of traditional or SMAS facelifts.

Aging is an inevitable part of life, and as the years pass, our facial features often show the effects of time. Wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of facial volume can lead to a tired and aged appearance. Affecting our self-esteem and confidence. While there are various cosmetic procedures available to address these concerns. The Plane Extended Facelift stands out as a cutting-edge solution that delivers exceptional and long-lasting results.

The Plane Extended Facelift is an advanced surgical technique designed to provide natural-looking facial rejuvenation. It goes beyond traditional facelift procedures by repositioning the deep facial tissues and muscles. Restoring volume, and addressing multiple signs of aging simultaneously. This comprehensive approach ensures that patients achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Precise and Natural-Looking Results:

Unlike some traditional facelift methods that may result in a pulled or unnatural appearance, the Plane Extended Facelift focuses. On restoring the deep structural components of the face. This technique creates a more youthful and refreshed look that harmonizes with your unique facial features.

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