What is Lower Blepharoplasty ?

The Lower Blepharoplasty eyelids are a common source of dissatisfaction with one’s looks. The graceful, rounded, unbroken contours of youth give way to the bags and deep valleys (“dark circles”) that characterize middle age. Related areas, such as the skin of the lower eyelid and the apples of the cheek, often age similarly. DR KANIKA SINGLA 

Lower Blepharoplasty:

The term “lower blepharoplasty” includes a collection of surgical techniques that aims to improve the appearance of the lower eyelids. Historically, lower blepharoplasty was a reductive procedure in which skin and/or fat was remove in order to reduce lower eyelid wrinkles, skin redundancy, and fat bulges. ( OUR SERVICES )

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Lower Blepharoplasty Procedure

In general, you will be asking to arrive at 7:15 AM the morning of your planned surgery. You should have nothing to eat or drink (not even water, candy, or gum) after midnight the night before your procedure. If Dr. Nayak prescribed antibiotics, oral sedatives, or if you take blood pressure medication in the mornings, you may take these with a small sip of clear water.

You will need an adult driver on the day of your surgery to bring you and to take you home. Your companion may wait in our comfortable reception area, watching TV, reading, and enjoying coffee, soda, and snacks. Alternatively, if your companion wishes to leave a cellular telephone number, we can call him or her with updates and also at the conclusion of the procedure. Upon your arrival, Dr. Kanika’s staff will greet you and review your medical history, looking for any new changes since your initial consultation.

Dr. Kanika and her staff will also confirm that they and you are in agreement about which procedures are to be performed, and those areas will marked with you sitting upright in a chair. The term “lower blepharoplasty” includes a collection of surgical techniques that aims to improve the appearance of the lower eyelids.

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