What is Brow Lift ?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows. A brow lift improves the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow. DR KANIKA SINGLA

You might choose to have a brow if you have a low, sagging brow or brow asymmetry. A brow might also boost your self-confidence.

A brow can be done alone or with other facial procedures, such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a face-lift. ( OUR SERVICES )

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Why it's done

Aging typically causes the brows to move down. As skin and soft tissues lose elasticity, the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes also shortens.

The lower position of the eyebrows can make you look tired, angry or sad. A brow can raise the eyebrows and restore a refreshed, more pleasing appearance.

You might consider a brow if you have a low or sagging brow that’s contributing to sagging upper eyelids.

Benefits of a Brow Lift:

1.Youthful Appearance: A brow  can significantly reduce the signs of aging in the upper face, making you appear more youthful and revitalized.

2.Improved Self-Confidence: Many patients experience a boost in self-esteem and confidence following a successful brow.

3.Enhanced Facial Harmony: A well-executed brow  can restore balance and harmony to your facial features.

4.Relief from Forehead Wrinkles: It can effectively smooth out forehead wrinkles and lines.

5.Correction of Drooping Eyebrows: A brow can lift and reposition sagging eyebrows, opening up the eyes for a more alert look.

A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure that can enhance your facial appearance and boost your self-confidence by addressing signs of aging in the upper face. By consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon and carefully considering your goals, you can achieve a more youthful and refreshed look through this procedure. Always ensure that you have realistic expectations and a thorough understanding of the process before undergoing a brow lift.

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