What is Facial Implants ?

Facial implants are the best-kept secret in facial cosmetic surgery. While they are useful as stand-alone procedures to improve facial balance by building up weak cheeks or a weak chin, they are often used in conjunction with other procedures. Dr Kanika Singla 

Common combinations include adding a chin implant to rhinoplasty to balance the profile, or to face lifting or liposuction of the chin/neck to improve the quality and durability of the lift. Because we recognize beauty in the face as a whole, the addition of a chin implant to a rhinoplasty or a mini facelift is often the difference between a fair overall result and an outstanding overall result. Facial implants made from silicone, Gortex or Medpor and they placed under the skin in order to give you desired facial features. Our Services )

Best Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon in Meerut

Facial Implants Procedure

In general, you will asked to arrive at 7:15 AM the morning of your planned surgery. If you are having your surgery at an outside facility, you may  asked to arrive earlier. You should have nothing to eat or drink (not even water, candy, or gum) after midnight the night before your procedure.

Dr. Kanika:

Prescribed antibiotics, oral sedatives, or if you take blood pressure medication in the mornings, you may take these with a small sip of clear water. You will need an adult driver on the day of your surgery to bring you and to take you home. Your companion may wait in our comfortable reception area, watching TV, reading, and enjoying coffee, soda, and snacks. Alternatively, if your companion wishes to leave a cellular telephone number, we can call him or her with updates and also at the conclusion of the procedure. Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and explore whether the Deep Plane Extended Facelift is the right choice to help you look and feel your best.

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