Labio Plasty
“Vaginal rejuvenation” is a much-contested expression referring to the treatment of various physiological changes affecting a woman’s Labio Plasty vaginal canal, vaginal wall, or pelvic floor — often following a vaginal birth or menopause. ‘Vaginal rejuvenation’ procedures are unsafe, warn the Food and Drug Administration. DR KANIKA SINGLA
Labioplasty or Labiaplasty is a vaginal cosmetic surgery that reshapes or reduces the size of labia minora, the skin or inner lips of the vaginal opening. referred to as labia reduction or labia minora reduction.
Asymmetrical or abnormal Labio Plasty are very common in women causing discomfort and deep embarrassment. Labio plasty re-contours or renews the labia without affecting adjacent tissues or sexual pleasure. After Labioplasty, you can feel comfortable wearing clothing, exercising, and having intercourse. Moreover, it improves the appearance of the labia and can boost a women’s self-confidence. OUR SERVICES
A typical woman who elects for labioplasty may have
- Elongated labia (vaginal lips) that cause rashes and irritation
- Discomfort or irritation from clothing
- Discomfort due to rubbing of the labia during sports and physical activities
- Physical discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse
- Embarrassment due to the enlarged labia
Labioplasty, also known as labial reduction or labia minora reduction, is a surgical procedure designed to address concerns related to the labia minora, the inner lips of the vulva. This increasingly popular cosmetic and functional surgery can improve both a woman’s self-esteem and physical comfort. Labioplasty has gained recognition as a solution to address various issues related to the labia minora, and it is essential to understand its purpose, the procedure, and potential benefits.
Labioplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at altering the size and shape of the labia minora. The labia minora can vary significantly in size and shape among women, and some individuals may experience discomfort or self-esteem issues due to an enlarged or asymmetrical appearance. Labioplasty provides a solution to these concerns by reshaping the labia minora