Reconstructive surgery is like a repair job for your body. It’s a type of surgery that aims to fix or rebuild parts of your body that have been damaged or changed due to injury, illness, or birth defects. Think of it as putting the pieces back together after something has gone wrong. This type of surgery can include procedures like fixing a broken nose, reconstructing a breast after mastectomy, or repairing cleft lip and palate. The goal is to restore function and improve appearance, helping people lead more normal and fulfilling lives. Reconstructive surgery can make a big difference for those who have experienced trauma or have congenital conditions, giving them a chance to feel whole again.

Reconstructive surgery is a type of surgery that helps fix parts of the body that are damaged or missing. It’s like putting together a puzzle to make things look and work better. Dr. Kanika Singla is an expert at this. She help to reconstructs the bodies of people who have suffered from accidents or were born with defects. This can involve repairing bones, tissues damaged by disease, or rebuilding missing body parts. Reconstructive surgery helps people feel better and live more comfortably by restoring how their bodies look and function.

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